here are the rules concerning Free Agents (who will be from here forward referred to as FAs)
1- Each team may only make an offer to 3 FAs per year
2- Since we can't find a way to get salary's on the league, u will only be allowed to spend up to 10M $/season and you will only be allowed to offer up to 7M$/player for an unlimited # of years. therefor the players will have the final choice between 2 teams offering 7M$
ex: Manning
3- Teams who do not make the playoffs will only be allowed to spend 6M $/season so they won't have a very good chance at getting the big names and thous have more incentive to make the playoffs
ex: Taylor
4- You must send your signings to either Mafinator or myself (this will be specified in the future) by "private message" with a clear title like:
ex: FA signings PIT
5- Following the limit date (this will be specified in the future) either me or Mafinator will make the offers and post the answers in the section "Free Agents"